Coisas e Coisas
More U.S. teens hide online activity from parents: survey
"More and more teenagers are hiding their online activity from their parents, according to a U.S. survey of teen internet behavior released on Monday. The survey, sponsored by the online security company McAfee, found that 70 percent of teens had hidden their online behavior from their parents in 2012, up from 45 percent of teens in 2010, when McAfee conducted the same survey. McAfee spokesman Robert Siciliano cited the explosion of social media and the wider availability of ad-supported pornography as two factors that have led teens to hide their online habits. The increased popularity of phones with Internet capabilities also means that teens have more opportunities to hide their online habits, he said. The survey found that 43 percent of teens have accessed simulated violence online, 36 percent have read about sex online, and 32 percent went online to see nude photos or pornography. The survey reported that teens use a variety of tactics to avoid being monitored by their parents. Over half of teens surveyed said that they had cleared their browser history, while 46 percent had closed or minimized browser windows when a parent walked into the room. Other strategies for keeping online habits from parents included hiding or deleting instant messages or videos and using a computer they knew their parents wouldn't check. Meanwhile, the survey found that 73.5 percent of parents trust their teens not to access age-inappropriate content online. Nearly one quarter of the surveyed parents (23 percent) reported that they are not monitoring their children's online behaviors because they are overwhelmed by technology" (Reuters).
Uma Nação De Iletrados
"Many Brazilians cannot read. In 2000, a quarter of those aged 15 and older were functionally illiterate. Many simply do not want to. Only one literate adult in three reads books. The average Brazilian reads 1.8 non-academic books a year—less than half...
Euscreen Publishes Its Second Online Access To Audiovisual Heritage Status Report
"EUscreen is pleased to announce its second status report Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage. In three chapters, the report gives an overview of technological developments bearing an influence on publishing and making accessible historical footage....
Eurobarometer 72.5. E-Communications Household Survey. Summary. Conducted by TNS Opinion Social at the request of Directorate General Information Society and Media Survey co-ordinated by Directorate General Communication The fieldwork of this survey was...
Utilizadores Dos SÍtios Da RÁdio No Primeiro Semestre De 2007
A RFM online liderou tanto em utilizadores únicos como em páginas visitadas (newsletter da Marktest de ontem). No primeiro semestre de 2007, recebeu 350 mil visitantes diferentes, que consultaram quase 9 milhões de páginas. Em segundo lugar, ficou...
JORNAIS DESPORTIVOS COM MAIS PÁGINAS VISTAS NO ONLINE Segundo o estudo Netpanel da Marktest, as três primeiras posições no ranking dos jornais e revistas online com mais páginas visitadas em Maio são ocupadas por jornais desportivos: Bola online...
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